A really terrific post! Great photos, great writing!

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Thanks for reading!

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Aug 1Liked by The Raw Society Stories

Brilliant and heartbreaking Eric. I’m glad you added the deeply personal thoughts in it and like you, hope that some people react and act. If you have any good links or recommendations on where someone might start to make a difference, please share it here.

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Aug 1Liked by The Raw Society Stories

Powerful work. Thanks for sharing.

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Aug 1Liked by The Raw Society Stories

Hi Eric, thanks for this great article! I remember you talking about this project. Incredibly sad story but portrayed in a very powerful way!

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Aug 7Liked by The Raw Society Stories

Hi Eric. This is an amazing piece of work, very powerful ! Thank you for your honesty and for sharing those connections between you, the homeless and us all. A call for deep reflection.

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Aug 6Liked by The Raw Society Stories

Eric, your writing is every bit as beautiful and powerful and moving as your photography. You're so so talented. My deep admiration also comes from a degree of empathy, having worked alongside unhoused individuals in Edinburgh (yes, wealthy, tourist filled Edinburgh!) during my decades as a Social Worker. I burned out. Take care of yourself, lad. 🫂

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Aug 6Liked by The Raw Society Stories

As someone who lives in DTLA this project hits very close to home. Very well done. Thank you.

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Excellent article. Poignant to the bone.

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Super powerful, the story and the imagery. Super powerful.

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